Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pictures from the Women's Retreat


IMG_3019 I'm obsessed with this tree at the cabin.  It is looking west (I think) from the porch.  I love the dark trunk and the contrast of its leaves.  It is beautiful in any season.







The early morning light lent itself to the beauty of the last few drops of rain maintaining their fragile residence upon the leaves.




All but a few were still asleep.  The cold, wet porch was refreshing to my bare feet.




The world was taking a deep breath as it readied itself to face another day.








Fall has begun,It has come.

That time when the leaves say goodbye to the trees!





















I love autumn.  I love the colors as they change, I love the rain, I love the crisp air, I love sweaters.  I am a Spring and Fall kind of girl.


Bethany said...

Those are AMAZING!!!

Heidi said...

You really caught some great photos. I like them a lot.

Mike & Aubrey Janowicz said...

Beautiful pics!

Unknown said...

those are really great pictures. you do a really good job wrestling that camera. all of my pictures always look funny.